Saturday, April 3, 2010

I'm BACK LIKE after a YEAR LONG HIATUS!!!!!! HOLY!! &^%$#

OK so much has happened and I 'm patiently waiting for SHINee (( they're my current love)) to comeback!!! AHHHHhh.. CAN'T WAIT!!

Really have no idea what to expect fr their comeback like seriously just losing my mind thinking of it!!!! , I've completely neglected this blog .. i know.. super bad.. like i even forgot i had a blog.. how weird is that.. so I JUST WANNA SAY I LOVE THE COCKSUCKARSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah tats what we decided to call ourselves... - - hehe
Consisting of five very very Important people!!!

Shakila Hamdan , Angie Lim ,Melvin Yeo , Leong See Ming . ... . . And of course me !!!


Ok just something about these ppl.. i love them to shreds.. they make my life even more full of color than it usually is.. Everyday in school is a blast .. and now I'm on vacation so i can't say much.. JUST THAT I MISS THEM DEARLY!!!!!!!*Wails*
I MISS SCHOOL TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO........i can't wait to go crazy with them when school re-opens again!! Even though we might nit all be in the same class We can still have a blast YEAH!!!!
HECK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sadly we're not in the same class .....):
But all's well...
Its pissing down, like its never pissed before.. almost everyday its rain.. can't even go out for some sunshine...
= = . ... .. like seriously.. its cold, muddy , and i just want to curl up into a ball and go to sleep.....

*rolls on floor*

And my immense boredom is killing me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOW CAN I BE SOOO BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah .. so this is the update for now... .. I'm gonna go buy Bubble Tea now

Ciao !!!!!!! <3