Friday, May 1, 2009

Random And Lamn

whooohahhaah loong time no write and i mean longgggg.......timmmeeee........hmm.... schools started going into the 3rd week now, made lots of new frends and met lots of new ppl,whoa life's the best in poly,NGEE ANN POLY!!!
bUT PHOTOSHOP sucks its the worst,!!!!!, seriously i don't think tat i'll ever get used to it.hahahahaha but besides that its really fun and the drawing fundamental class rawks my socks and communication toolkit ,its all abt SWINE FLU!! itsthe craz these dae's hahaha seriously la ppl no need to be so kanchong!!! swine flu doesn't pass through pork k ppl, its ppl to ppl,so no need to stop eating pork!! ok enough abt swine flu,more about awsome poly life!!! mac sucks to the core i love windowsss!!!! it rawks and BOYS OVER FLOWERS also rawks!!! addicted to korean drama nowwww!!!! hahahaha whoa my blog damn random lolz haha,kk gotta go for PVSIG(photo and video) meeting now ,catch ya'll later!

Friday, January 23, 2009

About Me,and my thoughts

hmm.......ahhhh....ok this would be my first entry...and  i have no idea what to talk about....haha..ok um..i 'll start off by telling u guys about myself. I'm crazy,funkey,outgoing,lovable..........not! haha i'm just your normal ordinary singaporean. Just waiting for the postings of the various school's that all of us would go to.......kinda sad ,we'll all be split up then,but hey that 's life and u just accept it and move on right....?  >.<>Rrrr...iiii..gghhhtttt.! back to talking about myself....ok there's nothing much to talk about anyways....i love drawing ..really love drawing....its like when someone loves playing the guitar....they just can't stop like they'r hooked on it...same goes for me . Im just hooked on drawing! i'll post some pictures so that u guys can take a look..tell me if u like them..hahax =]oh yea!! i have a parakeet at home right now...he's such a cutieee...!!!!!!! and he's a boy,only 4 month's old! He's really tiny and cute....his pale yelloe and he has these adorable red coloured atches on his cheecks like he's constantly blushing!haha..... he sqwaks alot...gets annoying but his cuteness prevails!!